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It flows so deep, it’s roots are strong and does not give way to the wind…

How deep the Father’s LOVE for us. I can’t even fathom His love, His grace.

It amazes me that The God of this great big universe loves me… Cares about the small details and desires to have a deep relationship with me. Not only a relationship of God and man but of Father, Friend, Lover, provider… The list goes on. All my life I struggled with the thoughts of what I needed to do for Him, or if I didn’t do the right thing, wondering how He could love me. He is so much deeper than that. It goes back to the idea… It is ALL about me.

It is not want I can or can’t do. He loves me regardless. It is like I said yesterday… It is about what He did on the cross, not what I can do for Him. He sees the heart, which is sometimes a scary thing. I desire to walk in His LOVE every moment.

How deep the Father’s Love for us, How vast beyond all measure.