
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I feel this is a picture of my life right now…

And no I am not the “Elephant” I am the small helpless “Mouse”,
If I step back and take a look at the small window of my Life it seems overwhelming.
So much has taken place… I have seen the beauty of new life and I have watched my Grandparents stare death in the face. I have had to face large giants with little success and have conquered walls I thought would never come down. I feel as if my life is closing in.

It made me think…. Why do I think my life is so important? It is not about me or anything I can or can’t do, it is about God receiving glory through His creation. That includes me. I am His image bearer. And trust me; God is much bigger than the elephant of “life”. I love that my God has everything in control. That relieves a lot of presser for me. He is the giver and taker of life. He is a warrior and He fights for me.
I may feel weak and frail right now, that just makes me more in love with my savior.

He is a faithful God even when I am not faithful; He loves in spite of me.

Aren’t you glad we serve a God that loves us and holds us when we feel lost and afraid? I am…

4 responses to “Life in the big scheme of things”

  1. I found you! Haha I decided to type in AIM and try and find your site it worked. I am playing in a concert tonight with the orchestra! I am so excite. I love you my dear sister and I pray or you often. MMwwaa, Love Jonnie

  2. My dearest Heather! How much our Heavenly Father loves you!! May He continue to renew your spirit. May He shower you with His overwhelming grace. May He guide you through this time of change. And mostly, may you find rest in His inner courts!

  3. I normally just call but I read this very early this morning and thought I’d share something I learned this week with you….it will build perspective. “Leadership (ministry of any kind) is a stewardship, it is temporary and you are accountable.” If I know you, then I know you will have no trouble giving account for the way you have stewarded God’s love where you’ve been sent. Small helpless mouse or not….

  4. Heather may God guide you and direct you in the way He wants you to go. I know you will do well because you know it’s all about Him. lovekat