Tampico Mexico

The Sun was beating down as I pulled up to New Jerusalem Church, I was asked to load up the van and take the adults to the Baptism… No sooner could I say yes, I turned around and there were 21 Adults in the Van all laughing like small children.
We traveled down what appeared to be a road, but it was one that was well worn in, Bumps and holes the size of a car.We unloaded the van and walked down this beautiful bank to the edge of the river, a man was waiting there to take us across the river on his boat. He didn’t have ores, I was wondering how we were going to get across this “green slime river”, He pulled this rope out of the river and started pulling on it and we started moving… It was only a short distance but he had to make it several times because we had so many people. Once we were all across we started walking again, we came to this house and were asked to sit down, It was beautiful, it was as if the trees grew just to give us shade. We sat and sang a few songs with the locals and then it was time to start moving again. We walked another half mile and then came to the top of a hill and suddenly the hot weather and walking in the scorching sun seemed so petty…We were there, I saw the ocean, It was wonderful The locals started singing and shouting praises to our Father and our team was asked to go form a line in the water, We helped the people in on at a time and prayed for them as the walked into the water. As each person went under the water I could feel the Holy Spirit like a wave of coolness flowing through my body. Atfer it was over we headed back to the house where we had stopped before. I sat down and I heard “Sister Heather please come forward” I was not sure what he wanted form me but I went towards him. It was Pastor Juan, he asked me to assist in the communion John started “This is His blood which was shed for you”
then I would followed by saying “This is His body which was broken for you” The ones I was serving would look at me so intently and say “Amen” There seemed to be something different in the way they took the “body and the blood” It was
almost like they were there, at the cross, Remembering the words of our sweet savior I didn’t feel worthy to be there but I felt like time had slowed it self down so I could enjoy this moment.