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At what point do you go? Forsake your life as you know it, and follow your calling?

I have been struggling with this for the past few days. I wrestle with the fact that I know I am called to go, and, I have a deep desire to be in Africa, but I don’t have the rest of my support in, and that means I would have to live by faith for food, water and shelter… That type of faith excites me, but then I think of responsibilities back home such as bills, insurance…You know the things that tie us down. I feel that burden of knowing that needs to be taken care of but also feel the burden to follow His calling. Where does faith and responsibility mesh? I am willing to count the cost and I know He will provide but what does that look like? You see I have been walking out this intense faith for nine months and I have seen His faithfulness… Maybe not in the ways I thought, but He has made himself known. And now I stand once again at the base of the mountain knowing how hard it is to climb and I am tired, but if I don’t press in, and get to the top I will miss the beautiful view. I know along the path there will be Pain and Tears, Joy and Laughter, Peace and Faith. I will not pretend this is an easy journey but it is one I know I am called to, and I will not back down from that calling. After all God never promised it would be easy. 

God is molding, stretching, stripping and breaking me… 


But I shall be more beautiful for it.