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A day in the life of a child


This past Friday I was in the squatter camp in a town called Manzini, We were going to work in a school, but I was drawn to stay outside the fence. As I sat there looking at two little boys playing with an old tire. I was reminded of my three nephews. I love that kids can make a toy or a game out of anything. They soon dropped the tire, and came to play “thumb war” with me. I tried not to win but my hands are much bigger than theirs and they had to laugh. I don’t think I can describe the overwhelming smell that is covering these children. It is a little like molded trash and urine, not to mention that they are using you as a “jungle Gym” with only shirts on


  for some reason that is small in comparison to spending time with them.

They are so young, and just out playing on the streets. I can’t imagine letting my nephews even out of the yard much less to travel as far as they desire. I believe the children are forced to grow up fast here. Childhood is something that is better left in the past. The pain and neglect is just a part of life here and it is hard for me to grasp. It makes me want to bring them all home and give them love, but even then that would not be enough, they need Jesus, they need to see the heavenly Father’s love and experience His healing power.


I also got to spend a lot of time with a two year old little girl who has Polio and her foot is twisted and
growing up towards her thigh. At first it scared me, I have not seen that before, but she is just like the others, yes she has pain but she still has the best smile, and the most wonderful laugh. She made my day; I saw a glimpse of contentment. A joy in being around her and knowing that yes it is hard but for some reason their smiles and laughter through pain makes it all worth while; it was then I came to the realization that the Christian walk is beautiful, there are times when it is too hard to stand on my own, there are times when I want to throw it to the side, there are times when I want to wander away and forget about the worries, but then there are the times that I am able to recline at His feet and laugh and talk to Him, there are those times that I feel I could never be better, and although life is hard I can be joyful because I have hope, and I have a Father who cares about the smallest details. I am so grateful!